Probable Mistakes that Startups Do in App Development


Today the mobile app has been crucial in the success of any business. There is a high demand for mobile app by people from daily use to business operations. There is need of new mobile technologies for the development of advanced mobile apps. For all businesses, there is also a need of cost effective apps, especially for start-ups.

If you are a startup and planning to develop a mobile app, you are suggested to avoid the mistakes in app development mentioned below. (For your information, mobile application development companies in UK are globally recognized for providing supportive mobile app development services for startups)

Possible Mistakes to Avoid in App Development by Startups:

Not being clarified about the app:

You should decide well before that your business really needs an app or you could sell better through the website. Only after the analysis and study, it should be decided.

Not learning the audience in advance

This is an important step which most of the start-ups skip in the process and feel contrite later when not fulfilling the customer needs. So, get known well what type of devices your customers are using like iPhone, Android, Windows etc.

Unawareness of cost and time

This is one of the major aspects that is needed to be considered. The mobile app development budget may go higher or it can be developed in low budget. So proper planning would be effective. Hidden cost, and accurate time of delivery should be known well before.

Introducing all features at once:

The information or feature provided through the app should be step by step to audiences rather than making all available at once. After the first feature gets clicked, the remaining features should be introduced in the new version.

Not analyzing the expenses spent on app:

As startups generally face the budget problem, they are required to analyze the expense spent on different sections of the app. There is a need of analyzing the expenses and controlling it.

Ignoring Social media for app promotion:

Social media is not just connecting people for entertainment rather it’s also one of the powerful tools which can be used for improving business. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter can be used for advertising an app.

Not user-friendly app:

The App developed should be easy to use. Everyone who will use the app is not technically expertise. No one likes to spend more time and understand the complicated features in the app. Better the app is easy to use the better will be business. So user friendly App is must.

Not Testing the App:

In the app development process, this step is needed to be considered before releasing the app. The bugs or errors should be fixed before the app is launched.

Have a Plan to Develop App for Your Startup Business?

If yes, we are here to help you. We at FuGenX are a premiere iPhone app development companies in UK. For our excellency in Android app development, we have also been recognized as a rising Android app development companies in UK. We develop apps that people love to use and share with others. We also help start-ups in raising funds with superior quality mobile apps.


Please reach us at or for world-class mobile app development services.